Partnership at

Partnership at
Founder(s) AAAA
Founded 1985
Location New York City
Area served United States
Focus Drug prevention
Method Donations and Grants
Employees 30 (in 1993)[1]
Formerly called Partnership for a Drug-Free America

The Partnership at, formerly known as the Partnership for a Drug-Free America (PDFA)[2] is a New York City-based non-profit organization which runs campaigns against teenage drug abuse in the United States. It is notable for mobilizing volunteer talent "against a single social problem".[3] It focused efforts to "unsell" illegal drugs such as cocaine,[4] heroin,[4] prescription drugs, marijuana, Ecstasy, and others, as well as discouraged abuse of alcohol and nitrous oxide by breaking away from a standard public service approach and doing a coordinated media campaign. While the agency has focused anti-drug advertising on broadcast media such as television, there are signs in recent years that it is shifting media dollars to emerging channels such as video-on-demand, digital technology and particularly the Internet.[5] The agency's marketing experience was written up as a 58-page[1] marketing "case study" for study by students at the Harvard Business School.[6][7] The agency is perhaps best known for its iconic TV ad This is your brain on drugs, but it has made over 3,000 ads by 2011 while pursuing a flexible strategy. According to its website, its current purpose is to act as a resource to help parents cope with drug abuse and alcohol abuse by their teenaged children.[8]



A departure from standard PSA advertising

The 1960s and 1970s had been turbulent years marked by wider acceptance of drugs than from previous decades as well as a consumer culture encouraged by advertising in mass media. There had been sporadic efforts by anti-smoking groups to discourage cigarette smoking, and tobacco company executives learned that sales would decline overall if pro-smoking ads were shown in the same proportions as anti-smoking ads. In the 1980s, the nation faced a serious problem with drug abuse. At the time the Partnership was created, the nation was in the throes of the crack cocaine epidemic.

Strategic vision

In the mid-1980s, a small group of top notch advertising professionals with wide–ranging experience on diverse campaigns, and working in conjunction with a nonprofit trade association called the American Association of Advertising Agencies, proposed a marketing campaign not to sell one more product or service, but rather to un-sell teenaged drug abuse. The group was formed officially in 1985.[4][9] Among the initial group was Los Angeles "ad guru" Phillip Joanou,[4] Thomas Hedrick,[4] Doria Steedman,[3] and Ginna Marston from the Ted Bates advertising agency. The group saw the merits of using a focused approach similar to that for a commercial product or service. In earlier decades, public service ads or PSAs had been shown by networks whenever it had been convenient for their schedules, regardless of the intended audience of the ad. Many PSAs aired late at night when most people had gone to sleep. In other situations, networks used PSAs as filler when slots opened up in their commercial lineup regardless of any consideration for reaching specific audiences. Marston urged, instead, a targeted focused anti-drug campaign similar to one for selling a specific brand of cereal or an automobile, but instead the campaign would unsell drugs[10] or rather sell the benefits of not using drugs. Like a commercial campaign, the effort would conduct marketing research by studying teenagers and parents in depth using focus groups to understand their motivations, as well as conduct quantitative research using nationwide random-sample surveys as part of a recurring longitudinal investigation. Marston explained the approach:

We needed to know our consumer––as well as our competition ... If we are going to compete with possibly the most alluring, most effective come-on in the history of social interaction, we'd best know everything there is to know about current attitudes toward drugs and drug users.
—Ginna Marston[4]

Hedrick concurred:

I could have told you in 60 seconds everything there was to know about laundry soap or chewing gum or who used what and why ... than I could have told you about the drug problem in our country in an entire year.
—Thomas Hedrick, in the Los Angeles Times[4]

These realizations led to the creation of a "full-time and highly aggressive research staff" according to one report.[4] The team reached out to knowledgeable activists such as Carole Fields-Arnold, who Marston later described as "one of those rare people who is street smart, and can be tough when needed, but also gets everyone to look up and see the light, dream a bigger dream than they thought they could and lock arms to reach for it together."[11] The organization was loosely modeled along the lines of a standard advertising agency, with a creative director post[12] and "account executives" to spearhead specific efforts. While the campaign approach was a radical departure from standard PSA approaches, the group was following a tried–and–true advertising strategy: research, choosing a marketing objective, writing advertisements to meet that objective, plus focused efforts to persuade that audience in chosen media at specific times. The intent was to change behavior by changing attitudes.[10] Further, the agency did continual reassessments: were attitudes changing? was drug abuse becoming less prominent? This feedback helped the group decide if goals were being met, and allowed their small but growing nonprofit agency the freedom to change tactics as well as change goals. An account of the overall idea:

On Madison Avenue, it is still revered as one of the hottest marketing ideas of all time. Take the decision to buy and use heroin (or pot, or coke or any illegal drug) and treat it like any other purchasing choice. Liken potential addicts to a group of consumers whose buying habits can be manipulated by celebrity endorsements, catchy slogans and powerful images. Then use those tricks not to sell the product, but to un-sell it. If the approach works, drugs will finally lose their cool.
—Reporter Pamela Warrick in the Los Angeles Times[3]

The agency found itself able to solicit help from many sources, for free. Copywriters often competed for assignments[4] on a pro bono basis.[4] The agency finagled free media exposure from print media and broadcast networks[4] including spots during prime time.[4] Later, when advertising was directed at inner-city youth, media was selected to target 37 large cities.[13] The firm has turned to media planning and placement experts who work, as well, on a pro bono basis.[5] One report suggested that there was a wealth of creative talent vying for a chance for assignments.[4] The group was prepared to feature rather risque push–the–envelope ads; for example, one advertisement showed a girl with the "barrel of a revolver pushed up one nostril and a father singing a lullaby to his little daughter from his coffin."[4] Doria Steedman described the ads as neither pretty nor polite nor nice but designed deliberately to "disturb and upset."[3] A bandwagon effect happened soon thereafter: big advertising agencies including Saatchi & Saatchi, J. Walter Thompson, BBDO Worldwide joined the consortium. Key executives from The New York Times Company, Procter & Gamble, USA Network and others such as Daniel Burke of Capital Cities[14][15] sat on the Partnership's board of directors.[4]


The Partnership found office space near the top of the Chrysler Building in New York City.[4] By 1993, it had 30 employees, according to one estimate.[1] An early grant of $300,000 from the American Association of Advertising Agencies helped considerably to pay for rent, salaries, and other expenses,[3] and subsequent funds were provided by generous grants from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation which is a Princeton-based philanthropic organization focusing exclusively on health care and particularly substance abuse. The foundation's founder, Robert Wood Johnson II, had built the family firm of Johnson & Johnson into an international health products maker, and he left the foundation a generous bequest of stock upon his death in 1968.[16] In addition to these revenue sources, the organization also holds fundraisers, including an annual awards dinner; in 2007, one awards dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel raised $2.2 million.[17]

This is your brain on drugs

Analysis of research suggested that consumers decided about possibly doing drugs based on two basic considerations: the risk involved, and the perception of social disapproval.[4] And campaigns were targeted towards both mindsets: that using drugs was risky and that it was uncool among peer groups.

The organization first entered the wider public consciousness in 1987,[10] with its This is Your Brain on Drugs broadcast and print public service advertisements (PSAs).[18] The advertisement used the analogy that if a person's brain is an egg, then using illegal drugs would be like frying it.[18] This advertisement was shown repeatedly on broadcast media to the extent that it became a hallmark for the organization. Time Magazine described the advertisement as "iconic".[18] It has been recognized by marketing professionals as "one of the most influential" ad campaigns in the history of marketing, according to numerous sources,[10][18] and has been applauded as one of the "most unforgettable images in modern American advertising."[3] TV Guide named it as one of the "top 100 ads of all time".[10] The ad became the organization's "calling card", according to one account.[3]

The agency was able to solicit generous donations of free media time with an estimated worth of "$1 million worth of advertising every day" for more than a decade, totalling more than $2 billion in free space and time, according to one estimate.[3] Copywriters from big city agencies in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and elsewhere from "250 big-name ad agencies" contributed their creative expertise.[3]

There were other commercials with a bite, too. For example, in one commercial an angry father "grills his son about where he learned to smoke pot", and his teenager retorts ironically: "I learned from you, Dad! I learned it by watching you!"[19]

Coordination with federal anti-drug efforts

The agency coordinated efforts with government officials in their efforts to stem illegal drugs. However, the relation between the Partnership and the federal government was sometimes marked by disagreements. In 2002, the White House director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, John P. Walters, questioned whether the Partnership's campaigns were lessening the use of illegal drugs.[20] Partnership chairman James E. Burke argued before a Senate subcommittee for better targeting of funds for media purchases.[21] Burke complained of improper interpretations of survey data as well as the federal government shifting $50 million away from vital media purchases.[21] Burke called for simplicity and focus:

The resulting campaign is far too complex, calling as it does for the lockstep shuttling in and out, at 6 to 8 week intervals, of TV, radio, print, outdoor and interactive messages in multiple languages against 36 different strategies aimed at eleven different targets.
—James E. Burke, to a Senate subcommittee, 2002[21]

The Partnership holds a special position under law within the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.[22][23] It cooperates with government agencies in many initiatives to try to help reduce drug abuse. In 2010, it worked with the Drug Enforcement Administration in 2010 in a public relations event entitled "National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day."[24] The event involved 4,000 so-called "drop spots" for people to discard extra prescription drugs as a way to lessen the temptation for their abuse.[24]

The 1990s

In 1989, Johnson & Johnson chief executive James E. Burke took over leadership of the organization.[20] He had been instrumental in growing the large pharmaceutial firm as well as adeptly handling a difficult crisis "in a forthright way" with "decisive leadership" when a terrorist had poisoned bottles of one of the company's products and caused several deaths.[25] Burke brought new contacts and savvy to the operation and a reputation for the highest ethical standards.[25]

In 1992, the Partnership switched focus somewhat to targeting inner city youth, where the drug problem had been more severe, and ran a campaign led by Ginna Marston.[26] Research suggested most children felt "nearly alone in their hostility toward drugs", so an effort was made to show them that they were not alone.[26] In one television commercial, a camera zooms in and out on two youngsters, one of whom is trying to get the other to try a marijuana cigarette, but the other youngster declines; the tagline says "A friend who offers you drugs is not your friend."[26] It was a "strikingly different tack" from the milder Just Say No campaign championed by previous first lady Nancy Reagan.[9] Commercials written by a former Wieden & Kennedy copywriter were "infused with menace and melodrama" according to one report.[9] Some spots by a Goodby, Berlin & Silverstein copy team hinted that the earlier Just Say No had been simplistic.[13] Marston explained the utility of depicting young people "resisting drugs in real situations":[26]

The new campaign addresses kids' feelings and their sense of emotional isolation on this issue. ... The problem is not drugs, but an attitude of hopelessness ... They start to feel they don't count, they don't matter. They feel bad about themselves and give up on themselves; those are the ones who get into drugs ... It's not to kill time, as happens in the general market ... but to kill pain.
—Ginna Marston, 1992, PDFA campaign director.[13][26]

The agency picked up real-life horror stories about the effect of drug abuse, and used these stories at times in its commercials. For example, a 28-year old former drug user met for lunch with the Partnership's Doria Steedman, and at one point "pulled out her [false] teeth" to show the ravages of the drug use, and this idea was used in a subsequent commercial.[27] At the same time, different drugs were coming in and out of vogue, sometimes introduced by films such as Trainspotting.[27]

In 1994, an independent assessment from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine suggested that the anti-drug campaign was having a measurable "deterrence effect" on American adolescents:

No one presumes advertising is going to stop all drug abuse in America ... Using the idea that attitudes change behavior and using the best ad minds to denormalize drug use, they have sent a very strong message over the years, and their work is a very important component in the national effort to reduce drug use."
—Chris Policano, spokesman for Phoenix House, in 1994[4]

Research efforts suggested that a key metric for the agency was getting preteens and teenagers to wait longer and longer before having their "first taste of drugs", since the longer wait period meant that it became less and less likely that a child would become a regular drug user.[27]

But it had to contend with a pop culture which often used drugs to promote partying, feeling good, and as a stimulus for musical creativity. A music executive commented anonymously in 1996:

I believe in drug use ... It's part of growing up and the creative process. It's not for me as an individual to interfere with what people are doing with their destiny.
—report in the Los Angeles Times 1996[28]

In 1996, Partnership director Ginna Marston noticed, after examining survey data, disturbing trends indicating that not just teenagers, but preteens were showing greater smoking of marijuana and that the problem could no longer be viewed as a "teenage problem only."[29] At a press conference, Marston told reporters of a new media blitz aimed at "getting parents involved in the war against drugs.[29] Survey data showed marijuana use had gone from 230,000 children in 1995 to 460,000 children in 1996, according to the report.[29] In addition, there continued to be high-profile deaths of celebrities who had overdosed, such as Jonathan Melvoin of the group Smashing Pumpkins, which put pressure on the music industry to take a serious look at drug influence in pop music.[28] While Rock 'n' roll music has been described as "steeped in rebellion," there is a long list of musicians who have abused heroin which includes John Lennon, Keith Richards, Jim Morrison, Jerry Garcia, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Eric Clapton, Kurt Cobain, Shannon Hoon, Courtney Love, Scott Weiland, Anthony Kiedis, Layne Staley, David Gahan and others.[28] While heroin can give a "relaxing, euphoric high" lasting for six hours, the body grows increasingly tolerant and more is needed until addicts must keep using the drug to stave off withdrawal.[28]

The Partnership turned images of glamour upside down by juxtaposing the illusory world of drugs versus the reality:

Glamorous parties, a night on the town.

With beautiful people, it's always around!
Everybody's doin' it, doin' it. . . .
Her-o-in! For the rest of your life!

Television jingle accompanying black-and-white footage of a grimy boy twitching and retching into a filthy toilet[3]

Since the agency had been tracking usage and attitudes, it had the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances. Marston and other executives adjusted their media strategy accordingly as fast-moving trends made one drug "hot" while others fell out of favor.[4] The campaign was primarily oriented towards television and print media.[30] An analysis of the Partnership's efforts by Forbes Magazine around this time suggested that it had earned "a single-brand advertising clout" comparable to McDonald's, while noting that the fast food franchiser outspent the Partnership by a ratio of "2 to 1."[4]

The Partnership coordinated efforts with Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey, a retired general who was the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, in targeting efforts against heroin. McCaffrey endorsed the Partnership's campaigns and spoke at their news conferences.[3] Later, it worked with state alliance programs. [13]

In 1998, Marston noticed how game maker Fox Interactive had marketed its game N2O as being the "ultimate rush" and how game designers had used "the music and images of the drug-infused rave scene to appeal to hip consumers", according to one report.[8] Marston criticized the blatant approach:

... just one example of the kind of stuff that we see all over now, especially on the Internet – information that glamorizes drugs and exploits the language and imagery of drug culture.
—Ginna Marston, 1998[8]

During these years, it was a continuing effort to persuade media sources to provide the best spots and airtime. Newspapers such as the New York Times and Washington Post had generously given prime full-page spots for their ads, but "few other papers have been so generous", according to one account.[3]

The Partnership got some help from the pop culture movie industry. In 1999, filmmaker Robert Zemeckis made a documentary entitled The Pursuit of Happiness: Smoking, Drinking and Drugging in the 20th Century which made an in-depth examination of the problem of drug abuse, covering 100 years and interviewing professionals and historians.[31] Zemeckis included Marston in the documentary film.[32] The film suggested, among other things, that "American society has habitually criminalized the substances used primarily by minorities" such as opium for Asian immigrants and marijuana and cocaine for African-Americans while legalizing those of white adults such as beer, alcohol and tobacco.[32] In addition, the documentary suggested that the 1920–1933 alcohol prohibition was a result of entrepreneurs such as Henry Ford needing sober assembly line workers.[32] Marston commented later in the New York Times:

Considering that it wasn't intended to be an antidrug piece, but a comprehensive and sophisticated treatment of a very complex issue, I thought it was great.
—Ginna Marston, 1999[32]

The 2000s

The firm continued its efforts to make drug use look uncool, in part by getting celebrities to help them break the "age-old stereotype of sex, drugs, rock-'n'- roll going together with everything cool", according to Marston commenting on CNN.[33] Celebrities such as Lauryn Hill and the Dixie Chicks came forward to say they're "drug free".[33]

In 2002, Burke retired as chairman, and was replaced by Roy J. Bostock.[20]

Tracking research showed a decline in usage of alcohol and cigarettes, and that use of the "club drug" Ecstasy had declined among teens.[34] The Partnership had been tracking Ecstasy use since 1996, and found that 52% of students were aware of the dangers associated with its use as compared to 46% from the year before.[34] Marston said:

You still have way too many kids using a drug that could kill them.
—Ginna Marston, 2002[34]

In the mid 2000s, the Partnership gradually shifted away from de-emphasizing the perils of marijuana and focused more on targets such as prescription drugs, possibly responding to a shift of emphasis by the U.S. government as well as possible indications of declining marijuana usage by teens.[35] Reporter Elizabeth Sprague of CBS News noticed that the Partnership had not produced a single anti-marijuana PSA since 2005.[35] In a conflicting report in 2011, a study suggested that there were "sharp increases in the use of marijuana" as well as Ecstasy after "years of declining use."[36] The "frying pan" ad was described as a "relic" in one report, although New York Sun reporter Amanda Gordon noted that the agency gives gold-plated frying pan awards (mounted under glass) at fundraisers.[37] By 2007, the agency had produced over 3,000 spots from 1985 to 2007.[37]

In 2010, the organization changed its name from Partnership for a Drug-Free America to Partnership at, possibly as a result of increased emphasis on websites and Internet appeals.[38]

Current challenges

In 2011, a study found that marijuana use was increasing, as well as the use of a drug called Ecstasy and found that 45% of teenagers did not think drinking alcohol was "a big deal."[39][40] The Partnership was focusing more on teenagers abuse of prescription drugs; one study they did suggested that on any given day, 2,500 American teens get high for the first time by using prescription medication.[41] The group was part of a campaign known as National Prescription Drug Take Back Day which encouraged residents to dispose of their old prescription drugs to nearby city halls or police departments.[41] Partnership executive Sean Clarkin suggests that parents sit down with their teens and ask "what's going on" as a possible beginning of a conversation.[42] There was one report that the Partnership will be reducing its commitment to broadcast media in favor of an approach of reaching out to parents,[43] particularly via the Internet, which increased from 10% of its budget to 31% for 2010.[5] It has focused on web efforts such as the site "Time to Talk" (, and is exploring the possibility of advertising on cell phones and possibly in videogames.[5] The website, according to one source, attracts a million visitors each month.[5] The agency is making a $55 million three-year commitment with cable operator Comcast including its "Time to Talk" campaign.[5] There was a report that it will sponsor a toll-free hotline.[37]

Research findings and tracking

The Partnership has consistently done a tracking study as part of an ongoing longitudinal study to assess attitudes towards drugs and alcohol. The survey research helped it keep on top of trends, although since in many cases research organizations were providing studies without cost, the Partnership had less ability to impose a strict study design on some of the efforts. As a result, some surveys, using different questions and designs, conflicted with other survey data, although on key tracking measures, the Partnership was able to follow shifts in teenaged awareness and attitudes towards drugs.[44]

Partnership findings and reports
Year Key findings Survey sponsor Survey size Notes
1996 Marijuana use among US preteens doubled [29]
2002 More than 2/3 of teen girls say drugs helps kids cope with problems at home MetLife Foundation 3,287 teenagers [44]
2002 Use of Ecstasy, cigarettes, alcohol declining 44,000 [34]
2007 Drug use among teenagers is declining SAMHSA, U. Michigan [45]
2007 U.S. schools "drug-infested"; teen drug use declining; Percent saying some students "high or drunk" increased from 2002 to 2007 (CASA) at Columbia Univ. 1,063 [45]
2009 1 in 5 teens abused prescription drugs; 1 in 3 smoked marijuana PDFA [46]
2010 Boys more likely to drink to relax socially; 70% teen girls agree that "drugs help kids deal with problems at home"; 50% teen girls say drugs help them "forget problems" PDFA & MetLife Foundation [47]
2011 2,500 U.S. teens use prescription drugs each day to get high for first time PDFA [41]
2011 Sharp increases in marijuana, Ecstasy use; Teen attitudes towards underage drinking "more relaxed"; Most teen drinkers had first drink by age 15; 25% had first drink by age 12 Partnership at [36]
2011 Ecstasy use by teens up 67% during 2008-2011; One in ten teens use Ecstasy; Marijuana use up 22% PDFA [40]
2011 45% of teens don't see drinking alcohol as a "big deal" upward trends in marijuana and Ecstasy among gr. 9-12 Partnership at [39]


The Partnership has won numerous advertising and efficacy awards for its PSA campaigns. Over the past two decades, the public service advertisements have grown to target more illegal drugs like heroin, methamphetamine, ecstasy, and others.

Criticism and controversy

PDFA was the subject of criticism when it was revealed by Cynthia Cotts of the Village Voice that their federal tax returns showed that they had received several million dollars worth of funding from major pharmaceutical, tobacco and alcohol corporations including American Brands (Jim Beam whiskey), Philip Morris (Marlboro and Virginia Slims cigarettes, Miller beer), Anheuser Busch (Budweiser, Michelob, Busch beer), R.J. Reynolds (Camel, Salem, Winston cigarettes), as well as pharmaceutical firms Bristol Meyers-Squibb, Merck & Company and Procter & Gamble. From 1997 it has discontinued any direct fiscal association with tobacco and alcohol suppliers, although it still receives donations from pharmaceutical companies.[48] There has been criticism that some of its PSAs have had "little proven effect on drug use."[32]


Some of the campaigns run by the PDFA have been either satirized or referred to in popular media. One spoof in 1998 was described as a "disturbing sequel" starring actress Rachael Leigh Cook.[18]

In the comedy film Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004), John Cho and Kal Penn's characters are watching the Harmless PSA while intoxicated from marijuana. The advertisement in question features two teen boys smoking marijuana; one of them handles a gun and then fatally shoots himself, saying, "I'm so high, nothing can hurt me!".

On a segment of The Daily Show, Ed Helms showed a PDFA advertisement in which a stoned teenager takes out a gun and, not realizing that it is loaded, shoots his friend. At the end of the PSA Helms says, "Obviously this is a very effective commercial... for gun control. Come on parents, what were you thinking, leaving a loaded gun around teenagers? Are you high or something?"

The South Park episode "My Future Self 'n' Me" reflects on some campaigns run by the PDFA.

The Family Guy episode "Boys Do Cry" featured the character Meg lying on the couch deflated in reference to a PDFA commercial.

See also


  1. ^ All actors in PDFA television and radio spots appear without fee, courtesy of an agreement with the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.


  1. ^ a b c "(cases)". September 13, 1993. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "9-594-028 Title: Partnership for a Drug-Free America (A)" 
  2. ^ "Brief History". The Partnership at 2011-12-26. Retrieved 2011-12-26. 
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l PAMELA WARRICK (August 30, 1996). "Can You Just Say No?". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "On Madison Avenue, it is still revered as one of the hottest marketing ideas of all time...." 
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t PAMELA WARRICK (August 30, 1996). "Can You Just Say No?". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "Since 1985, the Partnership for a Drug-Free America--with the ad world's best and free media exposure--has been an ally in the war on drugs...." 
  5. ^ a b c d e f STUART ELLIOTT (September 27, 2007). "ADVERTISING; Public Service Groups Follow the Audience". The New York Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  6. ^ V. Kasturi Rangan (1993). "Faculty & Research: HBS Course Materials". Harvard Business School. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "Rangan, V. Kasturi, Diana Chapman Walsh, Barbara Moeykens, and Rima E. Rudd. "Partnership for a Drug-Free America (A)." Harvard Business School Case 594-028. ... Rangan, V. Kasturi, Diana Chapman Walsh, Barbara Moeykens, and Rima E. Rudd. "Partnership for a Drug-Free America (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 594-029." 
  7. ^ Matthew W. Finkin (1996). "*221 EMPLOYEE PRIVACY, AMERICAN VALUES, AND THE LAW". Chicago-Kent Law Review. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "(cited this case study:) See Partnership For a Drug-Free America: Overview (Partnership for a Drug Free Am., New York, N.Y.), May 1, 1996, at 1. It claims that a drop in drug usage is attributable to its efforts. See Diana Chapman Walsh et al., The Partnership for a Drug-Free America (A) 26 tbl. 5D (Harvard Bus. Sch. No. N9- 594-028, 1993)." 
  8. ^ a b c Michael Colton (June 18, 1998). "To Some Critics, N2O's Not A Gas Ads for Video: Nitrous Oxide Evoke Drug Culture GameFeaturing". Washington Post. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  9. ^ a b c Stuart Elliott (October 1, 1993). "THE MEDIA BUSINESS: Advertising; The Partnership for a Drug-Free America accentuates the positive in a new campaign.". The New York Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  10. ^ a b c d e f g Famous fried eggs: Erika Alexander (December 6, 2000). "Students debate effectiveness, accuracy of well-known anti-drug commercial". CNN. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  11. ^ Myrna Oliver (July 16, 2004). "Carole Fields-Arnold, 59; Talent Agent Co-Founded Drug, Alcohol Program". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  12. ^ "Rebecca Shaw, Michael Kelly". The New York Times. February 26, 2010. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "Rebecca Blackwood Shaw ... The bride, 38, plans to take her husband’s name. She is the director of creative development for the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, a nonprofit organization in New York, where she oversees the production of public service announcements." 
  13. ^ a b c d Stuart Elliott (October 1, 1993). "THE MEDIA BUSINESS: Advertising; The Partnership for a Drug-Free America accentuates the positive in a new campaign.". The New York Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  14. ^ Joe Flint (October 27, 2011). "Daniel Burke dies at 82; former president of Capital Cities/ABC". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  15. ^ WILLIAM NEUMAN (October 26, 2011). "Daniel B. Burke, Leading Media Executive, Dies at 82". The New York Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  16. ^ Stephanie Strom (April 4, 2007). "$500 Million Pledged to Fight Childhood Obesity". The New York Times. Retrieved 2011-12-27. "Robert Wood Johnson, who built Johnson & Johnson into one of the world’s largest health and medical care products companies, established his foundation at his death in 1968 ..." 
  17. ^ Bill Cunningham (December 2, 2007). "EVENING HOURS; Beginnings". The New York Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  18. ^ a b c d e "Top 10 Public-Service Announcements: There Goes My Appetite". Time Magazine. 2011.,28804,1920454_1920455_1920449,00.html. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "Produced in 1987 by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, this iconic PSA makes use of everyday household items — namely, an egg and a frying pan — to illustrate how narcotics affect the body. (Fresh egg = your brain; fried egg = your brain on drugs.)" 
  19. ^ "Way To Go, Hippies". Time. 1987.,28804,1920454_1920455_1920458,00.html. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  20. ^ a b c Courtney Kane (October 23, 2002). "THE MEDIA BUSINESS: ADVERTISING -- ADDENDA; A Succession At Anti-Drug Group". The New York Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "James E. Burke will soon step down after 13 years as chairman of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America in New York..." 
  21. ^ a b c (Senators, James E. Burke, others) (JUNE 19, 2002). "Senate Hearing 107-600: EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL YOUTH ANTI-DRUG MEDIA CAMPAIGN". U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  22. ^ Matthew W. Finkin (Jan. 7, 2011). "U.S. Code -- TITLE 21 > CHAPTER 22 > § 1708: National youth anti-drug media campaign". Cornell University Law School. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "... (C) Evaluation of effectiveness of media campaign In using amounts for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the national media campaign under paragraph (1)(E), the Director shall— ... the Attitude Tracking Study published by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America;" 
  23. ^ Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 2006, Pub.L. 109-469, 120 Stat. 3501, enacted December 29, 2006, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 1708
  24. ^ a b Jack Shafer (Sept. 24, 2010). "Bogus Drug Coverage of the Week". Slate Magazine. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "... a public-relations event staged by the Drug Enforcement Administration called the "National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day." Allied with medical boards, police chiefs, district attorneys, boards of pharmacy, and the Partnership for a Drug-Free America,..." 
  25. ^ a b "MAN IN THE NEWWS; A LEADER IN A CRISIS: JAMES EDWARD BURKE". The New York Times. February 19, 1986. Retrieved 2011-12-27. "In doing so in a forthright way and with his decision to stop selling Tylenol in capsule form, Mr. Burke is receiving praise from analysts, marketing experts and from consumers themselves." 
  26. ^ a b c d e JOSEPH B. TREASTER (October 2, 1992). "THE MEDIA BUSINESS; Television Ads Are Directed At Urban Youths and Drugs". The New York Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  27. ^ a b c PAMELA WARRICK (August 30, 1996). "Can You Just Say No?". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "On Madison Avenue, it is still revered as one of the hottest marketing ideas of all time...." 
  28. ^ a b c d JERRY CROWE (July 14, 1996). "Heroin Deaths Fuel Music Industry's Soul-Searching". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  29. ^ a b c d Times Staff and Wire Reports (March 5, 1997). "Preteen 'Pot' Use Doubles, Study Says". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "Marijuana use among U.S. preteens doubled in 1996,..." 
  30. ^ JERRY CROWE (July 14, 1996). "Heroin Deaths Fuel Music Industry's Soul-Searching". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  31. ^ "Robert Zemeckis on Smoking, Drinking and Drugging in the 20th Century: In Pursuit of Happiness (2000)". The New York Times. 2000. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "...A feature-length documentary on smoking, drinking and drugging in the 20th century. Through interviews with historians and professionals in the drug treatment field interspersed with film clips..." 
  32. ^ a b c d e ANDY MEISLER (August 29, 1999). "TELEVISION/RADIO; Getting Down to What Makes America High". The New York Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  33. ^ a b "Transcripts: Newsroom for February 3, 2000". CNN. February 3, 2000. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  34. ^ a b c d Kathleen Fackelmann (December 16, 2002). "Survey: Teen drug use on decline". USA Today. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "For the first time, use of the club drug Ecstasy dropped among teens in the United States, and use of cigarettes and alcohol continued to decline, according to a just-released survey. This year's annual Monitoring the Future survey tracked substance use among 44,000 eighth-, 10th- and 12th-grade students. The survey has been tracking teens' drug use since 1975." 
  35. ^ a b Elizabeth Sprague (November 9, 2009). "Pot No Longer Focus of Anti-Drug Campaigns". CBS News. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  36. ^ a b David W Freeman (April 6, 2011). "Teen drug abuse rising: Why?". CBS News. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  37. ^ a b c AMANDA GORDON (November 28, 2007). "Parents and Tennagers Rock for 'Drug-Free America'". New York Sun. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  38. ^ "Accounts and People of Note in the Ad Industry". The New York Times. December 13, 2010. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  39. ^ a b "Study: Teens see binge drinking as no big deal". CBS News. April 6, 2011. Retrieved 2011-12-24. "When asked if they see "great risk" in drinking that much, almost half the teens questioned — 45 percent — didn't see it as a big deal...." 
  40. ^ a b Ben Tracy (April 6, 2011). "Teenage drug abuse skyrockets". CBS Evening News. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  41. ^ a b c "Prescription Drug Take Back Day to be held Saturday". Los Angeles Times. October 27, 2011. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  42. ^ Sabriya Rice (July 22, 2010). "Want to keep your child drug-free? Here are five signs of possible trouble". CNN. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  43. ^ "About Us.". The Partnership at 2011-12-26. Retrieved 2011-12-26. "(from the webpage:) The Partnership at is here for parents, ..." 
  44. ^ a b Stephanie Steinberg (June 26, 2010). "Teen girls say kids more likely to drink, do drugs to cope". USA Today. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  45. ^ a b Sharon Jayson (August 15, 2007). "Schools 'infested' with drugs? It depends". USA Today. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  46. ^ Valerie Ulene (June 8, 2009). "Parents: Kill a buzz, save a life". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  47. ^ Aina Hunter (June 30, 2010). "Teen Girls Drinking More: Girls "Self-Medicate" with Booze, Drugs, Says Survey". CBS News. Retrieved 2011-12-24. 
  48. ^ Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting

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